User Page Redesign

09 Feb 2024
Jack Kennedy
Users settings re-design

We're pleased to unveil the redesigned User Settings page in Whippy, tailored to enhance your experience with managing team members and user permissions. This update brings a host of new features and improvements, streamlining the process and making it more intuitive than ever.

  • Enhanced Search and Filter Capabilities: Quickly locate specific users with the improved search function, which now includes robust filtering options. This allows you to find users based on specific criteria, helping you manage large teams more efficiently.
  • Organized User Tabs: Navigate between different user statuses with ease. The new tabbed layout categorizes users into active, inactive, and invited groups, enabling you to manage current and potential team members separately. This organization helps in maintaining clarity and ensures you can access the needed information swiftly.
  • Visibility of Expired Invitations: Keep track of your team's growth and invitation status with the ability to view expired invitations. This feature helps in auditing past invitations and managing follow-ups, ensuring no potential user slips through the cracks.

The revamped User Settings page is part of our ongoing efforts to make Whippy as user-friendly and functional as possible. By enhancing the way you manage users, we aim to provide a more streamlined and efficient experience, allowing you to focus more on your core activities and less on administrative tasks. We hope these changes make your interactions with Whippy smoother and more productive.